Ability to mark customers as sales tax exempt

Request and discuss enhancements to ShopSite

Ability to mark customers as sales tax exempt

Postby specialtygraphics » Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:02 pm

We are located in Illinois and are required to collect sales tax from customers in Illinois unless they complete a CRT-61 Certificate of Resale form. Right now, Shopsite adds sales tax to all customers in the taxable state (Illinois). If an tax exempt customer (one that has a CRT-61 on file with us) places an order, we have to make adjustments and either capture the credit card for the lower amount less tax or process a refund if a payment method such as Paypal is used. This is a real headache and causes a lot of needless processing time for tax exempt customers.

I am requesting the ability for us to mark a registered customer as sales tax exempt in the Admin panel so sales tax is never applied to purchases made by tax exempt customers again.

Posts: 20
Joined: Wed Oct 14, 2009 11:35 am
Location: Illinois

Re: Ability to mark customers as sales tax exempt

Postby Jim » Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:09 am

A work around for this issue is to have your tax exempt customers send you their zip+4 zip code. Add a new section to the Tax by zip table with the zip+4 values and set the tax rate to 0.00. You can give the Tax zone field the name "Illinois - Tax Exempt" so it will show on the receipt. The tax exempt customers will need to enter their full zip+4 values when they place an order and their tax will then be based off of the zip+4 section of the tax table instead of the regular zip and they will have a 0 tax rate.

Make sure you specify the format for the zip+4 as 12345656789 or 12345-6789 and let the tax exempt shoppers know so they can enter it exactly as you put it in the table or it won't match.
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Re: Ability to mark customers as sales tax exempt

Postby specialtygraphics » Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:50 am

Jim- I am already aware of the "work around" that requires us and our customers to to take extra steps in order to use the ShopSite cart they way it should work in the first place. Sales tax exemption is nothing new and ShopSite has been around for many years. Why hasn't this issue been resolved by now? ShopSite needs to take the time and do the coding work required to make this easy for their customers...not the other way around.
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Location: Illinois

Re: Ability to mark customers as sales tax exempt

Postby ShopSite David » Wed May 16, 2012 3:04 pm

ShopSite Pro v11 sp2 now has the ability for the merchant to mark a registered customer as Tax Exempt.
-David H.
ShopSite, Inc.
ShopSite David
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