question: continue shopping

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question: continue shopping

Postby Don Lundell » Mon Nov 22, 2004 12:42 pm

I notice that 'Continue Shopping' takes you back to the top of the page
of the product you'd added to the cart, rather than to the place on the
page with the product (unexpected to the shopper - sort of a discontinuous
shopping experience). I see that on the products pages, there are <a name
tags for each item, so it would be trivial to go back to the place where
the shopper left off.

Is there a way to get this to work? (I may have missed something.)

If not, it should be on the new features request list.


- dc
Don Lundell

Re: question: continue shopping

Postby Nikolaus Gruchot » Wed Nov 24, 2004 3:17 pm

Hi Don,

in our shop the customer is taken back to the storefront when clicking
"Continue shopping" in the cart. So far no customer has complained. Most use
the browsers back button anyway.

You can change the URL the customer is taken back to in -> Commerce setup ->
Order System -> Shopping cart -> Return To Shopping Button:

I do not think that it is possible to return the customer to the product on
the products page using the Continue shopping button.

In 7.1.x however you can have the product name in the shopping cart linked
to its place on the store page.



"Don Lundell" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

I notice that 'Continue Shopping' takes you back to the top of the page
of the product you'd added to the cart, rather than to the place on the
page with the product (unexpected to the shopper - sort of a discontinuous
shopping experience). I see that on the products pages, there are <a name
tags for each item, so it would be trivial to go back to the place where
the shopper left off.

Is there a way to get this to work? (I may have missed something.)

If not, it should be on the new features request list.


- dc
Nikolaus Gruchot

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