Removing a discount group

General ShopSite user discussion

Removing a discount group

Postby Paulasg » Mon Nov 25, 2024 4:13 pm

A site I've inherited is looking to remove a volume discount and instead package the entire lot of items as one separate item/bundle. Can I just remove the group listed in Merchandising Tools > Discounts > Quantity Groups? What else would I need to do to ensure that the volume discount is removed?

I also assume that I could just create a new "product" that is the bundle, and list a price for that without doing anything else?
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Joined: Tue Dec 20, 2022 8:50 am

Re: Removing a discount group

Postby cyoung » Wed Dec 11, 2024 4:38 pm


Yes, you can create product kits or bundles as a single product.

Help documentation for Quantity Groups:
"Delete Select a group from the Current Groups list, then click Delete to delete that group. In the pop-up warning, click OK to confirm the action."

Warning: Please Note: Deleting the group will also remove the group from any products that might be using it. Press 'OK' to continue.

If you want to remove the discount offer from specific products but not all, you can remove the group under the product settings. Products> Edit Product Info> Quantity Pricing> uncheck the Check here to turn on Quantity Pricing for that product then save and publish.
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