Search Result Weirdness + Plus Browser Differences

General ShopSite user discussion

Search Result Weirdness + Plus Browser Differences

Postby Tronix » Sun Jul 24, 2005 4:20 pm

I'm having strange results with different settings for the Search Engine in

If I set up my search engine configuration to use the tabbed template, the
"add to cart" button IMAGES are not are not displayed. I can only seem to
use the default configuration. I tried various combinations and I'm getting
undesirable results. I left it at one of the default settings for now, but
the "add to cart" buttons do not match the rest of the site's normal add to
cart buttons (I'm using one of the shopsite templates which is slightly

This was all tested with I.E, but in FireFox things are worse. All search
results come in Staggered (diagonally down the page) which is horrifying. No
matter what I do with the settings, Firefox always comes back with the above
mentioned display.


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