
General ShopSite user discussion


Postby Vince Salese » Wed Feb 01, 2006 8:12 pm

I've created and uploaded several includes that I hoped to use in my custom
templates. They seem to have uploaded properly, I can even edit them from
within the shopsite backoffice.

The code in my template is is [-- INCLUDE AC_Header --]
However, I get the following error when I publish Template Error: Could not
find include file: /www/ahoycaptain/cgi-bin/sb/templates/includes/AC_Header

The blurb at he bottom of the Custom Templates page says "Your
data/templates directory is [/home/ahoycaptain/ss-data/templates]".
I can't see the include file anywhere searching my web folders.
Like I said I can edit the uploaded include from ShopSite so I know it's
somewhere.. Where is it hiding? What am I doing wrong with my Include

Also on another note, how do create a test website? I'm making major changes
that affect the site globally and I don't want to compromise my live site.
I've looked in the SS help but didn't find anything concerning test sites.

Vince Salese

Re: Includes

Postby jim » Wed Feb 01, 2006 11:43 pm

The generate code looks first in the store's data directory templates/
for any templates or include files. If it can't find them there then it
looks in the shopping cart cgi (normally sc or sb) template directory.
Since the error that is being displayed has sb in it that is where it is
looking for the file so it couldn't be found in the stores
data/templates directory. My guess is that you have named the file
incorrectly in your template so it can't be found. Check to make sure
that the file name to include is spelled correctly and that it has the
right case on the spelling, AC_Header is not the same file as AC_header
or ac_header.

If you are just going to be using a test sote for a few days, you could
get a demo store from If you need it for a
longer period of time you might talk to your hosting ISP and see if they
will install a demo store for you.


Vince Salese wrote:
I've created and uploaded several includes that I hoped to use in my custom
templates. They seem to have uploaded properly, I can even edit them from
within the shopsite backoffice.

The code in my template is is [-- INCLUDE AC_Header --]
However, I get the following error when I publish Template Error: Could not
find include file: /www/ahoycaptain/cgi-bin/sb/templates/includes/AC_Header

The blurb at he bottom of the Custom Templates page says "Your
data/templates directory is [/home/ahoycaptain/ss-data/templates]".
I can't see the include file anywhere searching my web folders.
Like I said I can edit the uploaded include from ShopSite so I know it's
somewhere.. Where is it hiding? What am I doing wrong with my Include

Also on another note, how do create a test website? I'm making major changes
that affect the site globally and I don't want to compromise my live site.
I've looked in the SS help but didn't find anything concerning test sites.



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