Name & Email address in Shopping Cart

General ShopSite user discussion

Name & Email address in Shopping Cart

Postby lbohen » Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:15 am

A growing number of e-commerce sites are utilizing shopping cart abandonment emails to increase conversions. Several online companies (Listrak, SeeWhy, Kamplyle...) offer services to decrease shopping cart abandonment. A recent survey found that about 15% of the Internet Retailer 1000 e-commerce merchants are using such services.

To be most successful at decreasing abandonment and increasing sales, a name and email address needs to be asked for on the shopping cart page. This information could be presented as an option for the visitor to complete.

Currently Shopsite asks for name and email address on the checkout page.

I have been told that adding name and address boxes on the shopping cart page is NOT compatible with Shopsite. I would like to hear from anyone who has added name and email address boxes on their shopping cart page and how this gets integrated with Shopsite code.

Thanks in advance.
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