Custom pricing application

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Re: Custom pricing application

Postby Joseph » Fri May 07, 2004 9:30 am

Thanks for your help, Rob...

I'm going to proceed with this paradigm...I may have a few questions later
on, if you don't mind :)


"Rob" <> wrote in message
How does this prevent the customer from monkeying with the price?

It would be nice if we could MD5 it, and provide ShopSite with a key.
Regardless, are there any security features in place that we could use

I know this is using Variable Pricing in ways it wasn't necessarily
be used...but that's what this newsgroup is for :)

No MD5 that I'm aware of, but if you use the internal itemnum, it would be
much more difficult for someone to guess this number and then manipulate
and pass the correct syntax, as the Location: method actually changes the
URL displayed once the customer sees the cart, so the itemnum and
data is not seen in the displayed URL.



Re: Custom pricing application

Postby Joseph » Fri May 07, 2004 12:33 pm


After the customer has selected his two dimensions, and I have added the
item to the cart, how can I pass them on in the subsequent checkout screens,
so that both the merchant and customer can see the sizes on the order?

I cannot make them Order Option select fields, because the client would be
tempted to change them in the cart, yet the price would not be updated. I
cannot use javascript to prevent them from changing, because javascript may
not be enabled on a browser.

Any suggestions?


"Rob" <> wrote in message
How does this prevent the customer from monkeying with the price?

It would be nice if we could MD5 it, and provide ShopSite with a key.
Regardless, are there any security features in place that we could use

I know this is using Variable Pricing in ways it wasn't necessarily
be used...but that's what this newsgroup is for :)

No MD5 that I'm aware of, but if you use the internal itemnum, it would be
much more difficult for someone to guess this number and then manipulate
and pass the correct syntax, as the Location: method actually changes the
URL displayed once the customer sees the cart, so the itemnum and
data is not seen in the displayed URL.



Re: Custom pricing application

Postby Rob » Fri May 07, 2004 1:07 pm

After the customer has selected his two dimensions, and I have added the
item to the cart, how can I pass them on in the subsequent checkout
so that both the merchant and customer can see the sizes on the order?

I cannot make them Order Option select fields, because the client would be
tempted to change them in the cart, yet the price would not be updated. I
cannot use javascript to prevent them from changing, because javascript
not be enabled on a browser.

I would use the variable name and sku fields to set a custom name that
includes the data you need displayed to the client:
box - 4x8

That should do the trick. :)


Re: Custom pricing application

Postby lala » Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:16 pm

Yes... I had the same issue and we ended up writing a whoel applciation -
see it at - we should have just dumped the pricing off
into shopsite - not writen a whole cart after it.. oppps.... I suggest
writing it in PHP and using the order API to complete the order - life will
be good.


ian atttt

"Rob" <> wrote in message
What I'd really like to see is an API provided which would allow a
to make a pricing adjustment, and provide the information back to
whenever the shopping cart is recalculated/populated. It seems that you
would have done much of the backend work necessary when you implemented
variable pricing, and the OrderAPI provides a great roadmap to the

You could do this with a server side script such as perl or php. In your
catalog page, you can use a variable price/sku product, and have the "Add
Cart" button send this data along with ordering options to a server side
script. This script then processes the data, and comes up with the
appropriate price/sku, and then adds this to the cart using hidden tags.
This way the client cannot manipulate the process.

The variable price/sku addition in ShopSite 7 opens up a wide range of
possibilities for its use with server side applications. It acts almost
a shopping cart API.

Hope this helps.




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