Payment Type & Seprate Shipping Address appear twice

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Payment Type & Seprate Shipping Address appear twice

Postby Vince Salese » Sat May 17, 2003 12:12 pm

Just upgraded to SS6. Trying to clean-up some pages.
On my Shopping Cart Screen (where you go after hitting "checkout") after the
recalc & empty cart buttons, there's a ordering instructions box, then a CC
graphic & a Select Payment Type pull-down menu. Next line has a check box to
use a Seperate Shipping Address. This is how it always was in my old
version. Now, they not onle show up there, but the Payment Type and Seperate
Shipping are also on the checkout page (where you go after you hit Finalize
Order). The Seperate Shipping message also now appears as a graphic button,
and the Payment Type graphic and menu appears further down just before the
CC info fields. Actually, this is precisely where I want them to appear - on
the secure payment screen, not back on the shopping cart screen. The problem
is if I delete the text for "show payment type" and "use seperate shipping
address" in Shopsite/Preferences/Shopping Cart, they disappear on both
screens. Can anyone give me some insight as to what I'm missing?
Vince Salese

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