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Need to use a custom BB-Header-Familiar.sst
Tue Aug 18, 2015 1:13 pm
by psldesigns
What template file calls the BB-Header-Familiar.sst? I need to have a custom one for Product pages (because of the <script type="text/javascript">var $ = ss_jQuery, jQuery = ss_jQuery;</script> line) but can't seem to find which file calls it. Thanks!
Re: Need to use a custom BB-Header-Familiar.sst
Tue Aug 18, 2015 1:33 pm
by loren_d_c
It's used 2 places in BB-VARs-DOCTYPE.sst, but in both cases it's used to set the value of a VAR, like:
[-- VAR.Header BB-Header-Familiar.sst --]
Then it is used withing the various BB templates (cart, product, page, search) like:
Do you want to use your customized version of this file everywhere that BB-Header-Familiar.sst is currently used? If so, just copy your modified copy of the file to the exact same name, BB-Header-Familiar.sst, and it should be used instead of the default BB-Header-Familiar.sst and you won't have to change those other places in the other templates.
Re: Need to use a custom BB-Header-Familiar.sst
Tue Aug 18, 2015 1:43 pm
by psldesigns
Actually no, I only need to change it for the product pages. So would I just create a new Var like this:
[-- VAR.HeaderPRODUCT BB-Header-FamiliarPRODUCT.sst --]
in the BB-VARs-DOCTYPE.sst
and then find and change it in the product template to
Does that sound right?
Re: Need to use a custom BB-Header-Familiar.sst
Tue Aug 18, 2015 2:04 pm
by loren_d_c
Or in the product template just change it to:
[-- INCLUDE BB-Header-FamiliarPRODUCT.sst PROCESS --]
so you don't have to muck with BB-VARs-DOCTYPE.sst.
Re: Need to use a custom BB-Header-Familiar.sst
Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:35 am
by psldesigns
Thanks Loren, that worked great. All is working as I need it to. :O)