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How to change Element menu behavior for mobile

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 11:05 am
by ametron
I am using the Element Dark Uniform theme
On mobile, the navigation menu is displayed on the right side when the website is first opened and disappears after scrolling
It is causing a page content wider than screen issue
How do I prevent the menu from automatically showing


Re: How to change Element menu behavior for mobile

PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 5:25 pm
by BFChris
Could you provide a sample of the page so we can see what is happening?

Feel free to send it to me as private message if you prefer not to share the URL publicly.

I'll see if I am able to assist.

Re: How to change Element menu behavior for mobile

PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2023 10:37 pm
by alanrichardtex
I am also needing help with a similar issue and the same theme. my site is when you view it on a mobile device it shows the product pages as just one column and it takes a while to scroll through it all plus the pictures don't look as good. if you turn your device sideways it works fine, but when you hold it normally it is to condensed. I would like to be able to make it 2 columns while on a mobile device. Is there a way to do this?