Odd behavior with Dark Uniform More Info Page

Questions and answers about ShopSite Custom Templates

Odd behavior with Dark Uniform More Info Page

Postby c.wagner » Mon Sep 11, 2023 5:57 am

I am playing around with the Dark Uniform theme. Possibly going to make a switch to it. I started testing it in a demo store. Everything looked good so I created a test product in my live store. For some reason the image gallery on the more info page shows up extremely small. Once you make the required selections for the order options, the image gallery blows up to the proper size. Clicking on one of the thumb nails shrinks the gallery back down. This behavior did not occur in the demo store so it has to be a setting in my live store that is causing the issue. I tested in safari, chrome and firefox and the behavior is consistent across browsers.

You can see the test product at https://www.spaguyusa.com/cabotest.php

Thanks for any insight.
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Re: Odd behavior with Dark Uniform More Info Page

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Mon Sep 11, 2023 5:36 pm

My guess is that it has to do with the image settings under Preferences > More Info Pages. In the "Image Roll Over" section, you will likely want to have your Thumbnail size set to the Extra Small size, the Product Image size set to either Medium or Original (based on what your images and image sizes are), and the Zoom image set to the Original size image. The ordering options' images use the setting at the bottom of this screen called "Advanced Option Image", which looks like your store is set to Original (based on what I am seeing in the example page). You'll want to have the Advanced Option Image size set to the same as you set for the "Product Image Size", which is likely Medium.
- ShopSite Lauren
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