Shopsite recalculate the correct price at checkout

Request and discuss enhancements to ShopSite

Shopsite recalculate the correct price at checkout

Postby mtgotraders » Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:38 pm

Currently someone can go to our website and add an item to their cart and then wait 5 days and come back to the site and buy that item for whatever price that item was 5 days ago. That might not be an issue for most shopsite users but if your selling a collectable it's a huge issue. We just had a customer buy 4 items for 12.5 each that are 15.5 each now so we ended up losing 12 dollars. Please make this an option to have shopsite recalculate prices at checkout so that we can re-enable our users to leave items in their cart for more than a day. I'm already dreading all the complaint e-mails from users that lost their cart.
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Joined: Tue Aug 22, 2006 4:21 pm
Location: wilmington, nc

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