Houzz button - please add

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Houzz button - please add

Postby tv816 » Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:09 am

The Houzz button would be very similar to the Pinterest button. The button would pull in unique indentifiers from each product page. Houzz has been very successful for us and we'd love to add this button along side of Pinterest, Facebook, Google Plus, etc. The information for Developers is below. A link to the page is here: http://www.houzz.com/buttonsAndBadges/ref=profileCompleteness#houzzbutton.
Thank you so much for your consideration!
Sweet Retreat Kids

Houzz Button Embed Code Template

<a class="houzz-share-button"
data-hzid="Your HZID"
data-title="Product Title as it will be seen inside Houzz"
data-desc="Product description text"
data-category="Category keywords"
<script>(function(d,s,id){if(!d.getElementById(id)){var js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.async=true;js.src="//platform.houzz.com/js/widgets.js?"+(new Date().getTime());var ss=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];ss.parentNode.insertBefore(js,ss);}})(document,"script","houzzwidget-js");</script>

The Houzz Button embed code consists of an <a> tag followed a <script> tag. Customize the Title, Image and Description of your products as it appears in Houzz via the following HTML5 custom data attributes.

The embed code MUST exist in the static HTML of the product page in order for our backend servers to verify your ownership of the website and to associate the product to your Houzz profile.

Available Attributes
•data-url - Canonical URL of your product. If you already have products listed in Houzz, make sure the URLs match exactly to prevent duplicate listings and maintain accuracy of the Ideabook count.
•data-hzid - A unique identifier that verifies you own this web page.
•data-title - Title of the product.
•data-img - URL of hi-res product image.
•data-desc - Brief description of the product.
•data-category - Keywords to help categorize the product. (ie. 'Wall Sconces')
•data-showcount - A value of 1 shows the Ideabook count of this product. A value of 0 hides the count.

Website Ownership

Your Houzz Website Identifier (HZID): Your HZID

We look for this unique identifier in the HTML of your product pages to associate the product page inside Houzz to your profile. In order to prevent other websites from using your unique ID in their webpages, you will need to specify which domains you own by modifying your profile's Website Button Settings.
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Joined: Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:18 am

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