Shipping Address not displayed if there is no shipping serv

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Shipping Address not displayed if there is no shipping serv

Postby actechbooks » Wed Oct 14, 2009 11:29 am

Can you modify the "Shipping Address not displayed if there is no shipping service" checkbox in Commerce Setup to be "Shipping Address not displayed if only digital download products"? ...or add this extra selection?

Our issue is that in addition to eBooks sales (where nothing is being shipped), we do not utilize the shipping module for our Wholesale orders because we prefer to give our wholesale customers exact pricing on shipping. So, by clicking the checkmark next to "Shipping Address not displayed if there is no shipping service", we hide the shipping address field for wholesale orders as well, which is obviously needed.

so unfortunately, now we have the selection turned off, so the shipping info shows for eBook only orders (which is confusing for customers). If there were an option to hide shipping for "digital download files only", this would solve that issue.

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