PayPal PayFlow Pro

General ShopSite user discussion

PayPal PayFlow Pro

Postby kiltym » Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:04 pm


SS 12sp2

After talking with Paypal, we were told we should be using the PayFlow integration, not the PayPal Payments Pro integration. Someone on they marketing team needs to sort out all their products, way too confusing. But anyway.....

After making that change, we have an issue, and not sure who's side it is on.

We have Fraud Services set up and turned on within Paypal Manager. We have left all the fraud-related checkboxes unchecked in SS for now (like AVS and CVV2 since this will be handled by PayPal. Also do not have checked "Use Payflow Fraud Service" as no one at PayPal understood what this was for). The fraud filters at PayPal seem to be working.

The issue is, the fraud filters in PayPal have 2 options, Reject and Review. We have a filter set on Review. When I processed an order that would trigger this fraud filter, the order failed, and was not created in SS. However, the transaction is put in a "pending" status in PayPal.

There is now a disconnect however. Regardless if we accept the transaction in PayPal, there is no order in SS to process. Is there anyway to allow SS to process the order normally if a "review" trigger is fired from PayPal? We can then review the transaction, and if feel it is fraud, decline it in PayPal, and delete the order from SS. If it is OK, we accept the transaction in PayPal and process the order normally in SS.

Thanks for any thoughts or advice on how to handle this. With our current Auth.Net, the transactions are processed normally, and we are notified of a "suspicious" transaction to go investigate.

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Joined: Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:00 pm
Location: MA

Re: PayPal PayFlow Pro

Postby loren_d_c » Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:21 pm

Also do not have checked "Use Payflow Fraud Service"

You need to check that box if you are using the PayPal fraud filters to allow an order that is 'Review' status on PayPal to create an order in ShopSite.

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Re: PayPal PayFlow Pro

Postby kiltym » Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:25 pm

Thank you! As always, you all are very helpful.

Posts: 38
Joined: Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:00 pm
Location: MA

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