Some ? about digital downloads

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Some ? about digital downloads

Postby Teri Sullivan » Sat Jan 17, 2004 11:00 am

I have been using ShopSite Pro v6 since November for my products, which
are machine
embroidery designs offered as digital downloads. Some of these files
can get rather large and I
have a lot of duplication of files on my server due to the way I have
the products set up, but I can't
seem to figure out how to improve on that. So I am turning to you for help.

A little background info - each collection of designs comes in 10
different machine formats,
each one with its own zip file. I use the Order Anywhere feature to
have one Add to Cart button on
my collection web page, which I build with FrontPage 2000. That button
actually links to a SSP
page with one product on it - a main product (the specific collection),
which expands to 10
subproducts (the 10 different formats). Then each of these 10 products
has it's own Add to Cart button
that links to the zip file for that format. Now, what I would *really*
like to do, is to have one Add to Cart button
on my collection page, that links to the main product (the collection),
which has a drop down selection box where
the customer can choose their format, and then the result of that
selection will determine which
zip file to link to. This would eliminate a whole step in the ordering
Does this make sense? Also, that way, I wouldn't have to set up 11
different products
(one for the main product and then 10 for the subproducts) for each
collection. When I tried to
do this using Ordering Options, it would not work for digital downloads.
Can anyone suggest
another way to do this for digital downloads?

Another thing I've run into is this. I often offer discounted prices on
bundles of collections. For instance,
I have 4 collections of basket designs, one for each season. Each one
has its own collection web page
and each is set up as I described above. I also offer special combo
pricing when the customer wants
to order the 4 collections bundles as one product. I want to have one
Add to Cart button for the combo
product, then have them choose the format and have that point to the 4
zip files, one for each season.
I have not been able to figure out how to have one product linked to
multiple zip files, so what I've ended
up doing is creating another zip file, which is basically the 4 zips
zipped together into one. This is
where I am eating up a lot of disk space, because I have to do this for
each of 10 machine formats.
Is there a better way to do this?

Teri Sullivan

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